Shiyong Liu
·Paper Publications
Xiaoli Zhang; Shiyong Liu*. (2017) RBPPred: predicting RNA-binding proteins from sequence using SVM. Bioinformatics, 33(6): 854~862.
Release time:2019-09-06  Hits:
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Jinfang Zheng, Xiaoli Zhang, Xunyi Zhao, Xiaoxue Tong, Xu Hong, Juan Xie, and Shiyong Liu*. (2018) Deep-RBPPred: predicting RNA binding proteins in the proteome scale based on deep learning. Scientific Reports, 8(1):15264.
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Jinfang Zheng; Petras J. Kundrotas; Ilya A. Vakser*; Shiyong Liu*. (2016) Template-Based Modeling of Protein-RNA Interactions. PLoS Computational Biology, 12(9): 0~e1005120