Shiyong Liu
·Paper Publications
- [11] Shiyong Liu, Ilya Vakser*, DECK: Distance-scale environment-dependent coarse-grained knowledge-based potentials for protein-protein docking. BMC Bioinformatics 2011 Jul 11; 12:280..
- [12] Lin Li, Dachuan Guo, Yangyu Huang, Shiyong Liu* and Yi Xiao*, ASPDock: protein-protein docking algorithm using atomic solvation parameters model. BMC Bioinformatics. 2011 Jan 27;12:36..
- [13] Shiyong Liu, Ying Gao and Ilya A. Vakser, DOCKGROUND protein-protein docking decoy set. Bioinformatics.2008 Sep 23;.
- [14] Sen liu#, Shiyong Liu#, Xiaolei Zhu, Huanhuan Liang, Aoneng Cao, Zhijie Chang, and Luhua Lai*, Nonnatural protein-protein interaction-pair design by key residues grafting. PNAS. 2007 104(13):5330-35..
- [15] Shiyong Liu, Qingliang Li and Luhua Lai*, A combinatorial score to distinguish biological and non-biological protein-protein interfaces. Proteins 2006 64(1):68-78..
- [16] Liu S#, Pei J#, Chen H#, Zhu X, Liu Z, Ma W, He F, Lai L*, Modeling of the SARS coronavirus main proteinase and conformational flexibility of the active site. Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao. 2003 31;35 Suppl:62-5..