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Degradative solvent extraction of demineralized and ion-exchanged low-rank coals
Release time:2019-09-12  Hits:

Indexed by: Journal paper

First Author: LI Xian

Correspondence Author: LI Xian

Journal: Energy & Fuels

Included Journals: EI、SCI

Affiliation of Author(s): State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;School of Che

Document Type: J

Volume: 42

Issue: 8

Page Number: 897-904

Key Words: degradative solvent extraction; low rank coal; demineralization; ion-exchange; pretreatment

Date of Publication: 2014-08-01

Abstract: Dehydration and upgrading are essential pretreatment methods for efficient utilization of low-rank coal. In previous works the authors employed degradative solvent extraction method to dehydrate and upgrade low-rank coals and fractionate them into several fractions. For further study of this method, two low-rank coals (MM and LY) were pretreated by acid washing for demineralization or acid washing and Na/Co ion-exchange. The pretreated and raw coals were then extracted by 1-methylnaphthalene (1-MN) at 350°C and fractionated into upgraded coal (UC), high molecular weight extract (deposit), low