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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
学科:影像医学与核医学- [21] Morelli JN,Li X.Time-resolved MR angiography of renal artery stenosis in a swine model at 3 Tesla using gadobutrol with digital subtraction angiography correlation..JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING,
- [22] Fei Ai,X. Li.Value of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in early diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis..Rheumatology International,
- [23] Ai Tao,Li X.Diagnostic performance of CUBE MRI sequences of the knee compared with conventional MRI..Clinical Radiology,
- [24] Fei Ai,Xiaoming Li.MR imaging of knee osteoarthritis and correlation of findings with reported patient pain..Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
- [25] X. Li,Prospective comparison of 3D FIESTA versus fat-suppressed 3D SPGR MRI in evaluating knee cartilage lesions..Clinical Radiology,
- [26] Li XM,MRI findings of injured articular cartilage of the knee with surgical correlation..Chinese medical journal,
- [27] Li X,Li X.Diffusion MRI in Ischemic Epiphysis of the Femoral Head:An Experimental Study..JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING,
- [28] Li X,Dynamic gadolinium-enhanced MRI in early ischaemia of the proximal femoral epiphysis--a preliminary study..Clinical Radiology,
- [29] Li X,Dynamic gadoteridol-enhanced MR imaging in the end of growing long bone of piglets..Chinese medical journal,
- [30] Li X,Early reversible ischemia of femoral head epiphysis in piglets on gadolinium-enhanced MRI: an experimental study..Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology,