·Paper Publications
Indexed by: Journal paper
First Author: Wei Lu
Correspondence Author: 韦路
Co-author: 李贞芳
Journal: Journal of Zhejian University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
Place of Publication: Zhejiang
Discipline: Literature
First-Level Discipline: Journalism and Communications
Funded by: 知识沟;因特网;新媒介;旧媒介;数字鸿沟
Document Type: J
Volume: 第 39 卷
Issue: 2009年05期
Page Number: 56-65
ISSN No.: 1008-942X
Key Words: knowledge gap ;Internet ;new media;old media;digital divide
Date of Publication: 2009-09-10
Abstract: As an impo rtant factor influencing the formation of know ledgegap , media difference has long been a research focus in the knowledge gap literature .Previo us studies, how ever , primarily compared the differential effects between new spaper and television on the know ledge g ap .Little attention has been paid to the possible disparities between new media and old media regarding their impacts on peoples know ledg e acquisition .Based on two national surveys in the U .S .A ., this study finds that the usage gap between individuals with different socio-economic status is....
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