Xuefeng Zhu, and Shuhuan Xie, Lasing With Resonant Feedback in Weakly Modulated Parity-Time Symmetric Lattices. IEEE. Photon. Jour. 10 (2): 4600306 (2018).
- 上一条:1、Tan Jia, Zhou Yueming, Ke Qinghua, He Mingrui, Liang Jintai, Li Yang and Lu Peixiang.Resolving strong-field tunneling ionization with a temporal double-slit interferometer.PHYSICAL REVIEW A 101, 013407 (8 January 2020)
- 下一条:Wei Cao, Erika R. Warrick, Ashley Fidler, Stephen R. Leone, and Daniel M. Neumark, Excited-state vibronic wave-packet dynamics in H2 probed by XUV transient four-wave mixing. Phys. Rev. A 97, 023401 (2018).