Donglin Ma, and Zheng Cai*, “Scientific performance analysis of the SYZ telescope design vs. the RC telescope design”, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac 130(984), 025001(2017). (Impact Factor: 4.446).
Release time:2024-04-03 Hits:
Pre One:Yalin Zhang, Donglin Ma, Xiuhua Yuan, and Zeyu Zhou, “The research on partially coherent flat-topped vortex hollow beams propagation in turbulent atmosphere”, Appl. Opt. 55, 9211-9216 (2016).
Next One:Minghao Wang, Xiuhua Yuan*, and Donglin Ma, “Potentials of Radial Partially Coherent Beams in Free-space Optical Communication: A Numerical Investigation”, Applied Optics 56 (10), 2851-2857 (2017).