·Paper Publications
Hou S, Wang X, Zhao Z, Ma Y, Liu J, Zhang Z, Ma J*. A Scale for Measuring Electronic Patient Engagement Behaviors: Development and Validation[J]. Patient preference and adherence, 2024: 917-929.
Release time:2024-11-13  Hits:
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Ma J, Tian Z, Chai P, Wan Q, Zhai T. Estimating the economic burden of stroke in China: a cost-of-illness study[J]. BMJ open, 2024, 14(3): e080634.
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Du L, Xia C, Deng Z, Lu G, Xia S, Ma J*. A machine learning based approach to identify protected health information in Chinese clinical text. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2018; 116(8):24-32