副教授 硕士生导师
潘文健,建筑哲学博士 (Ph.D.),城市生态设计研究与实践者、中国建筑学会城市设计分会会员、新加坡维泽专家库 (VE) 专家委员会委员、CSCIED 科技核心评价数据库评委、教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心学位论文评审。曾于香港大学城市生态设计研究室 (UEDL) 工作八年,现任教于华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院建筑学系。具有多年建筑设计实践、项目管理及参与大型学术与公共艺术策展的经历。他当前的研究聚焦在探索城市空间形态分析及街区建筑空间尺度的环境性能评估和生态韧性修复设计。
在过去的十年中,他于上海、深圳及香港参与或组织开展了一系列关于城市综合体、居住模式、社区共创以及人居环境的“社会-生态”过程质量评估,并持续探究气候变化多灾种背景下的中国及亚洲大都市快速转型所引发的生态后果和空间设计介入策略。作为项目管理者和主参研人,已深度参与城市生态及健康建筑相关的研究课题和前沿探索教学课题多项。这些项目关注当代全球与中国发展转型中在“城市-街区-建筑-人体”四个相互关联与作用的空间尺度上所面临的挑战,形成一个以“环境”为链接媒介和切入点的人居生态学研究体系,并结合新兴技术拓展建筑与城市学科的研究范畴及方法论。他亦多次于国际学术会议中对其研究成果进行口头报告并担任会场主持。其关于中国珠三角城中村人居生态与社区共创的研究成果荣获2023年NSGA最佳研究者奖,并在“2023健康城市研究与规划实践展”中展出,部分研究成果已发表在领域中领衔的学术期刊及学术论坛活动中,包括 Landscape and Urban Planning, Land Use Policy, Building and Environment, ETH-Zürich SHARELAND Colloquium, Urban Transitions, Passive and Low Energy Architecture 等。
他还兼任 International Journal of Architectural Engineering Technology 编辑, Social Science & Humanities Open 编委,《景观设计学 (中英文) 》执行编委,《城市环境与生态规划》编委, 并长期担任 Cities, Sustainable Cities and Society, Building and Environment, Environment and Planning B (Urban Analytics and City Science), GeoJournal, Journal of Economic and Human Geography, Journal of Urban Management, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (JAABE), Journal of Chinese Architecture and Urbanism (JCAU), Cogent Arts & Humanities, Land, Buildings, Scientific Reports,《景观设计学》等二十余本国内外高水平学术期刊审稿人。他还获邀为第28届世界建筑师大会 (UIA2023) 学术评审委员、The 8th International Conference on Carbon Accounting (ICARB2023) 学术委员、World Summit and Expo on Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (WSECAEE2024) 组委会委员、The 6th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE2025) 国际会议学术评审等。
他的研究探讨人居聚落的深层运作机理和社会生态影响,初步建立了“共享城市生态学” (Shared Urban Ecologies) 的基本方法论框架,并由此形成了型制 (Form)、模式 (Pattern)、机理 (Mechanism) 和政策 (Policy) 四个关联维度的循环探索路径。他的研究兴趣旨在通过数字信息技术来探索与表征城市中非正规人居系统的复杂空间形态、动态社区活力、多物理场环境性能的关联机制,以及在应对极端气候和高密度发展趋势下的生态韧性潜力评估。基于对城市中的非正规现象的都市生态学思考,他的研究挑战当代城市发展认知中的一些刻板印象,并聚焦于复杂建筑空间形态对邻里环境绩效的影响,旨在为城市更新与社区治理探讨基于综合生态性能平衡的设计框架与方法。
每年招收 2 名硕士研究生(学术型、专业型)
致密聚落空间形态演变与环境多样性研究 (亚洲大都市中心区、老旧街区、非正规住区、城中村等)
ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5626-3617
Academia: https://hust-cn.academia.edu/WenjianPan
近年科研项目 (Selected)
[1] 华中科技大学青年教师科研启动项目, 3034220113, “中国大城市可持续更新的’共享城市生态’理论及设计方法研究”, 2022-10至今, 50.00万元, 在研, 主持
[2] 中银香港百年华诞慈善计划 (BOCHK Centenary Charity Programme Fund), 大型社会生态影响研究与评估项目, D156/AR200025, “以家为本:营造本港可持续居所” (Housing in Place: Quality Living for Sustainable Hong Kong), 2020-12 至今, 1011.399万港元, 在研, 参与 (项目管理、主参研人)
[3] 上海市文化和旅游局, 省部级, YB2023-G-092, 2023年度上海市艺术科学规划项目,“数字化转型推动上海历史文化风貌区空间创新发展研究”, 2023-12 至今, 2.00万元, 在研, 参与
[4] 香港研究资助局 (Research Grant Council), 香港研资局“优配研究基金”项目 (GRF), 17612918, 综合再生:深圳“都市里的村庄”渐进式自主更新行为研究 (Integrated Regeneration: Learning from the Incremental Self-Renovations of Shenzhen's "Villages in the City"), 2018-09 至 2023-09, 94.5976万港元, 结题, 参与 (项目管理、主参研人)
[5] 香港大学知识交流研究项目, KE-IP-2020/21-4, “高密度小尺度居住空间(劏房)居家防疫手册” (A Visual Guide for Residents to Mitigate the Risk of Virus Transmission in High Density Home Living Environment (Subdivided Units)), 2020-12 至 2021-06, 8.91万港元, 结题, 参与 (项目管理、主参研人)
[6] 香港大学种子基金项目, 17619021, “极限密度中的家园营造:认识与提升香港劏房的宜居性” (Home-Making in Extreme Density: Understanding and Improving the Living Environments of Hong Kong's Subdivided Units), 2020-07 至 2020-11, 4.95港万元, 结题, 参与 (项目管理、主参研人)
[7] 深圳市规划和国土资源委员会、直径叙事DND, 城市研究与展示策划项目, ZSSZ2017070004, “深圳回想:深圳城市发展历史沿革” (Rethinking Shenzhen), 深圳当代艺术与城市规划馆永久展,2019-05 至 2020-05, 结题, 参与 (项目管理、主参研人、策展助理)
[8] 香港大学建筑学院建筑学系、城市生态设计研究室设计研究与实践项目, “共建家园 · 香港劏房的可携更新及社群参与” (Antarctic Resolution: The Architecture and Urbanism in the Extreme Environment of Antarctica Design & Research Project), 2020-07 至 2020-09, 结题, 参与
[9] 香港大学建筑学院城市生态设计研究室项目, “共建家园 · 香港劏房的可携更新及社群参与” (PROJECT HOME IMPROVEMENT - Movable Upgrades and Community Engagement in Hong Kong's Subdivided Units), 2015-06 至 2018-01, 结题, 参与
[10] 深圳国际低碳城规划建设领导小组办公室、深圳市龙岗区人民政府、深圳市特区建设发展集团有限公司、深圳城市设计促进中心、香港大学建筑学院, “低碳城——设计者手册” (Low Carbon City – A Designer’s Manual), 坪地1.1深圳国际低碳城低碳城市建筑解决策略竞赛平行研究项目, 2015-04至2015-06, 结题, 参与 (研究助理、策展助理)
研究论文/论著 (Selected)
Jin, Q., and Pan, W. J.* (2025). Evaluation of thermal environments in central urban areas (CUAs): Analysis of existing focuses and directions for future investigation. International Journal of Architectural Engineering Technology (IJAET). – FORTH COMING
Wang, H., and Pan, W. J.* (2024). Multi-Domain Environmental Quality of Indoor Mixed-Use Open Spaces and Insights into Healthy Living—A Quarantine Hotel Case Study. Buildings, 14(11), 3443. DOI: 10.3390/buildings14113443. (SCI, EI, JCR Q1 in Architecture, IF2022=3.1)
Liu, J. Y., Xie, H. M., and Pan, W. J.* (2024). Light Customized Design (LCD): Utilizing the User-Designer Co-Architecting Approach in Establishing Adaptive Home Spaces. The 14th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia (ISAIA2024), Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, Sept 10-13, 2024. https://isaia2024.aij.or.jp/)
Pan, W. J. (2024). Chapter 7 - From “Human-centered” to “System-oriented”: Eco-Cultural Legacy of Feng Shui and Scientific Principles for Establishing Modern Resilient Cities. Blue-Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Urban Settlements: Implications for Developing Countries under Changing Climate. Springer Cham, 167-191. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-62293-9_7.
Pan, W. J. (2023). Self-adaptive hybrid urban morphologies community (HUMC): Its shared environment and soft intervention for sustainable urban governance. Building and Environment, 236, 110251. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110251. (SCI, EI, JCRQ1, IF2022=7.4)
Pan, W. J.* and Du, J. (2022). Effects of Neighbourhood Morphological Characteristics on Outdoor Daylight and Insights for Sustainable Urban Design. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 21(2), 342-367. DOI: doi.org/10.1080/13467581.2020.1870472. (A&HCI, SCI, EI, JCRQ1 in Architecture, IF2022=1.3)
Pan, W. J. (2021). What type of mixed-use and open? A critical environmental analysis of three neighborhood types in China and insights for sustainable urban planning. Landscape and Urban Planning, 216, 104221. DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2021.104221. (SCI, SSCI, JCRQ1, IF2021=8.119)
Pan, W. J.* and Du, J. (2021). Towards sustainable urban transition: A critical review of strategies and policies of urban village renewal in Shenzhen, China. Land Use Policy, 111, 105744. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105744. (SSCI, JCRQ1, IF2021=6.189)
Pan, W. J.* and Du, J. (2021). Impacts of urban morphological characteristics on nocturnal outdoor lighting environment in cities: An empirical investigation in Shenzhen[J]. Building and Environment, 192, 107587. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.107587. (SCI, EI, JCRQ1, IF2021=7.093)
Pan, W. J.* and Du, J. (2020). Chapter 20 - Towards Sustainable Urban Redevelopment: Urban Design Informed by Morphological Patterns and Ecologies of Informal Settlements. Urban Ecology: Emerging Patterns and Social-Ecological Systems. Elsevier, 377-411. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-820730-7.00020-3.
Pan, W. J. (2018). Diverse Environmental Performances of Urban Villages and Insights for Enhancing Quality of Urban Renewal in China: Case Study of Shenzhen. In Review/Prospectus 2018/19, Hong Kong: HKU Architecture Press, 205.
Pan, W. J. (2018). From "Confrontation" to "Collaboration": Representation of the Formal and Informal Strategies for Urban Village Renewal in Shenzhen, China. Abstract Book of The 7th World Sustainability Forum - Beijing Summit (WSF 2018), 40. University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, Sept 19-21, 2018 (https://wsf-7.sciforum.net/).
Pan, W. J.* and Du, J. (2018). The Environmental Consequences of ‘Urban Renewal’: Lessons from Two Reconstructed Urban Villages in inner-city Shenzhen. Proceedings of the 34th Annual International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2018), Volume 3, 1094-1096. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dec10-12, 2018 (Scopus indexed, http://web5.arch.cuhk.edu.hk/server1/staff1/edward/www/plea2018/home.html).
Pan, W. J.* and Du, J. (2018). Diverse Morphological Patterns of Urban Villages and Insights for Achieving Adaptive Urban Neighbourhood. The 6th Zero Energy Mass Custom Home Network International Conference Proceedings (ZEMCH 2018), Volume 1, 733-750. The University of Melbourne, Jan 29-Feb 1, 2018 (Scopus indexed, https://www.zemch.org/).
Pan, W. J.* and Du, J. (2017). Density and Environmental Performance: Analysing Diverse Characteristics of Thermal Environment in Urban Villages, Shenzhen. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2017), Volume II, 1829-1836. Edinburgh, Scotland, Jul 3-5, 2017 (Scopus indexed, https://plea2017.net/).
杜鹃*, Natalia Echeverri, Phil Jones, 邓信惠, Ivan Valin, 潘文健, 云丽莹, Issac Chiu, 章晶晶. 坪地1.1深圳国际低碳城低碳城市建筑解决策略竞赛平行研究. 寻找未来低碳城市之路:深圳国际低碳城2015低碳城市建筑生活解决方案[M]. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2015, 170-179.
Du, J.*, Jones, P., Tang, D., Valin, I., Echeverri, N., Pan, W. J., Wan, S., Chiu, I., and Zhang, J. J. (2015). Low Carbon City - A Designer’s Manual. Shenzhen: Shenzhen Centre for Design (available: https://www.szdesigncenter.com/OLMXQcYUCxYdjr6ulR).
近期学术报告与演讲 (Selected):
[1] “Evaluating environmental ecologies of central urban areas (CUAs): Existing focuses and future investigation directions towards climatic resilience.” 6th International Symposium on Architecture Research Frontiers and Ecological Environment (ARFEE 2024) (第六届建筑学研究前沿与生态环境国际研讨会), 中国三亚,2024年12月28日 (口头报告)
[2] “共享城市生态学:非正规人居系统再定位及其空间转型介入策略.” 第八届“壹江肆城”建筑院校青年学者论坛,论坛演讲与交流,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,中国上海,2024年12月21日. (演讲报告)
[3] “城市·生境:定位和设计介入都市非正规人居系统”. 学术对话专题二:虚拟与现实的交织,2024年华中科技大学“喻园·家”项目系列学术讲座,华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院,2024年10月17日. (演讲报告)
[4] “基于系统思维的高密度城市中心区生态设计实践路径——以珠三角为例.” 2024数据驱动的智能建筑大会,中国厦门,2024年9月21日. (邀请报告、主旨演讲学术主持)
[5] “Shared Urban Ecologies: Positioning and Regenerating Informal Dwelling Systems in Transforming Era.” World Summit and Expo on Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (WSECAEE2024). 爱丁堡,英国,2024年8月20日. (主旨报告)
[6] “SHARED ECOLOGIES: A reinterpretation of eco-philosophy in Feng Shui and its scientific principles for making city resilient.” The 18th APRU Multi-Hazards Symposium 2023: Advancing Frontiers in Disaster Risk Science, Technology and Policy (第18届APRU多灾种国际学术研讨会), 南洋理工大学, 新加坡,2023年11月30日. (口头报告)
[7] “Low carbon transition – decision making processes and obstacles to development: Lessons from Shenzhen International Low Carbon City experiment.” Global Cleaner Production Conference 2023, Oral Presenter, Marriott Parkview, 复旦大学, 上海,2023年11月12日. (口头报告)
[8] “混合开放式建筑空间的“环境韧性”设计探究”. 2023中国健康城市科学学术年会. 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,中国上海,2023年10月27日. (口头报告)
[9] “Diverse Nocturnal Lighting Environments in Cities: Identification of Problems and Insights for Sustainable Urban Design.” The 3rd Civil and Infrastructure World Forum (CivilEngInfra-2022), Invited Speaker, Barcelona, Spain, Mar 21, 2022. (口头报告)
[10] Environment matters? A critical analysis of strategies and policies of urban village renewal in China. The 4th Youth Scholars Forum in Design Disciplines, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai, China, Nov 20, 2021. (演讲报告)
[11] “Environmental Diversity in Urban Villages and Insights for Alternative Urban Renewal: Typo-Morphological Analysis of Hubei Village Neighbourhood, Shenzhen.” SHARELAND Colloquium, Organized by ETH- Zürich, UN-HABITAT, NSL, STP. ETH-Zürich, Switzerland, Apr 6, 2019. (演讲报告)
[12] “Density and Environmental Performance: Learning from Urban Villages to Enhance Urban Resilience.” HKU Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition, Graduate School, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, Mar 7, 2019. (演讲比赛)
潘文健 (参展人). 《Shared Environment: Learning from Hybrid Urban Morphologies Community (HUMC) to Enable Adaptive Healthy Living》, 我们的城市,我们的健康——2023健康城市研究与规划实践展,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院、中国城市科学研究会健康城市专委会、中国地理学会健康地理专委会,2023年10月26日-11月6日,上海.
Juan Du (Curator), Natasza Miasiewicz (Curatorial Assistant), Wenjian Pan (Curatorial Assistant), Alex Kachun Wong, Team of Habitat for Humanity. "Housing in Place: Quality LIving for Sustainable Hong Kong", HiP Community Centre & Demonstration Housing Design Exhibition, 1F-2F, Lai Yuen Building, Jordan, Kowloon, June 2022-Dec 2023, Hong Kong SAR. (Online Platform & Exhibition via https://www.housinginplace.com/)
杜鹃 (策展人),潘文健 (策展助理),陈伟,Clarissa Lim,直径叙事DND,德国斯图加特布鲁克纳设计事务所 (ATB). 《深圳回想》(Rethinking Shenzhen),城市发展历史沿革研究永久展,深圳市当代艺术与城市规划馆,2020年8月-至今,深圳.
杜鹃 (学术召集、总策展人) , Phil Jones, Dorthy Tang, Ivan Valin, Natalia Echeverri, 潘文健, 云丽莹, Issac Chiu, 章晶晶. 《低碳城 - 用户手册》、《低碳城 - 设计者手册》,第三届深圳国际低碳城论坛之低碳城市建筑生活解决方案 (ALCCAL) 论坛平行研究展览,深圳市城市设计促进中心,2015年6月,深圳.
Wenjian Pan (Interviewee). “A MIGRANT HOTSPOT: Looking at Urban Villages in Shenzhen”. Interviewer: Tim Nederlof, OMA Magazine, July 2023, Technische Universiteit Delft, The Netherlands & Wuhan, China.
Wenjian Pan (Awardee). “Shared Urban Ecologies: Learning from Hybrid Urban Morphologies Community to Enhance Urban Resilience”, Best Researcher Award (Urban Renewal & Community Co-Creation), Domain of Community Detection & Graph Participation, Awarded by 6th Edition of International Research Awards on Network Science and Graph Analytics (NSGA), ScienceFather, September 2023.
建筑与城市设计实践项目 (Selected)
香港九龙佐敦礼苑 “Housing in Place” 示范性社会转型住房,华懋集团,参与 (2021-2022),建成
香港九龙佐敦礼苑 “Housing in Place” 社区活动中心,华懋集团,参与 (2021-2022),建成
镇江市高校园区共享区图书馆,80,000m2,地下3层,地上7层,主要参与人 (2013-2014),建成
南京市民中心 (与德国 gmp 合作),680,000m2,大型裙房及3栋220m超高层塔楼,参与 (2014)
南京市江宁区保利 G87 地块独立商业街,40,000m2,主要参与人、方案一设计者 (2014),建成
南通市城市文化中心 (文化中心单体+周边城市设计),120,000m2,参与 (2013),投标方案
乌镇雅达国际医疗公园 (与德国 gmp 合作),参与 (2014),建成
无锡惠山榭丽花园人才公寓 C 区,100,000m2,参与 (2014),建成
洛阳宝龙城市广场 CF 地块城市综合体,400,000m2,主要参与人 (2013-2014),建成
洛阳宝龙城市广场 DE 地块沿街改造设计,主要参与人、方案一设计者 (2012),建成
郑州河南省电信公司综合生产大楼,40,000m2,60m,主要参与人、方案三设计者 (2013-2014),建成
上海市华漕别墅 96 号地块 (与英国 BDP 合作),主要参与人、B1-D3房型设计者 (2012-2013),建成
上海市漕河泾开发区光电产业园 (与德国 gmp 合作),140,000m2,参与 (2013-2014),建成
威海市文登红星美凯龙商业综合体设计,参与 (2013),设计方案
国家“十二五”规划江西省边远艰苦地区中小学教师周转宿舍,入选方案1主设计者 (2011-2012),建成
南昌市经开区公安分局冠山派出所办公大楼,3000m2,主要参与人 (2010-2011),建成
海南省文昌丁海·兰湖花园度假村总体规划,参与 (2010),建成