·Paper Publications
- [11] L. Li,Y.L. Lv,H.X. Xiao,Y. Pan,T. Peng*,High performance pulsed high magnetic fields at Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center,IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,2016,26(4).
- [12] F. Jiang,Q. Q. Sun,Z. P. Lai,B. Luo,Y. Pan,L. Li,T. Peng*,Electromagnetically driven expanding ringtest for the strength study of the Zylon/epoxy composite,IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,2016,26(4):9000106.
- [13] L. Li,Y.L. Lv,H.F. Ding,T.H. Ding,X.T. Han,H.X. Xiao,Y. Xu,G.B. Wang,Y. Yuan,F. Jiang,Q.Q. Sun,X.Z. Duan,Y. Pan,T. Peng*,Short and long pulse high magnetic field facilities at the Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center,IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,2014,24(3):9500404.
- [14] Quqin Sun,Fan Jiang,Le Deng,Houxiu Xiao,Liang Li,Ming Liang,Tao Peng*,Uniaxial fatigue behavior of Cu–Nb micro-composite conductor, part I: Effect of peak stress and stress ratio,International Journal of Fatigue, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2015.08.025,2015.
- [15] Q.Q. Sun,L. Li,F. Jiang,H.X. Xiao,T. Peng*,Fatigue Properties of CuNb Conductor used for Pulsed Magnets at the WHMFC,IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,2014,24(3):501404.
- [16] L. Li,T. Peng*,H.X. Xiao,Y.L. Lv,Y. Pan,F. Herlach,Magnet Development Program at the WHMFC,IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,2012,22(3):4300304.
- [17] L Li,T Peng*,H F Ding,Progress in the Development of the Wuhan Pulsed High Magnetic Field Center,Journal of Low Temperature Physics,2010,159(1-2):374-380.