·Paper Publications
杨鹏,叶梦熊,李金成,何景异,杜兆伟. 对称格林函数简化计算的数学推导. 中国舰船研究. 2018, 13(增刊1) , pp. 22-28.
Release time:2021-10-15  Hits:
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杨鹏,寇冠元,朱学康,刘成义,高长华. 浮体浅水波浪载荷数值计算方法研究. 中国舰船研究. 2019, 14(1), pp. 19-26.
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Peng Yang, Xiaolong Liu et al. Hydroelastic Responses of a VLFS in the Waves Influenced by Complicated Geographic Environment. 7th International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Split, Croatia, September 16th – 19th, 2015.