·Paper Publications
杨鹏, 顾学康.半潜平台疲劳波浪载荷的不确定性研究. 船舶力学. 2012. 16(11), pp. 1274-1282. EI检索号:20125215843271
Release time:2021-10-15  Hits:
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Peng Yang, Xuekang Gu. Discussion of Some Important Parameters in Fatigue Loading Calculation for Ship Structural Design. Journal of Ship Mechanics. 2012, 16(6), pp. 658-667. EI检索号:20123115301482
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杨鹏, 顾学康. 半潜平台波浪载荷不确定性及疲劳可靠性研究, 船舶力学, 2013, 17(4), pp. 398-410. EI检索号:20131916321747