·Paper Publications
- [41] 33.Yueqing Du, Xuewen Shu*, and Zuowei Xu, "All-fiber passively mode-locked laser based on a chiral fiber grating," Opt. Lett.41, 360-363 (2016).
- [42] 58.Xuewen Shu,Xuemei Zhu, Shan Jiang, Wei Shi and Dexiu Huang, “High sensitivity of dual resonant peaks of a long-period fibre grating to surrounding refractive index changes,” Electron. Lett., 35(18), pp.1580-1581. (Sep 1999) .
- [43] 36.Miguel A. Preciado, Xuewen Shu, Paul Harper, and Kate Sugden, "Experimental demonstration of an optical differentiator based on a fiber Bragg grating in transmission," Opt. Lett. 38, 917-919 (2013).
- [44] 55.Xuewen Shu and Tom Allsop and B. Gwandu and Lin Zhang and Ian Bennion, "High Temperature Sensitivity of Long-Period Gratings in B/Ge Co-doped Fibre", IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 13 (8) (Aug 2001) .
- [45] 48.Xuewen Shu, Kate Sugden, Kevin Byron, “Bragg grating-based all-fiber distributed Gires-Tournois Etalons” Opt. Lett. 28 (11), pp. 881-883 (Jun 2003) .
- [46] 43.Xuewen Shu*, Kate Sugden, Ian Bennion “Dual-direction Gires-Tournois etalon based on a single complex fiber Bragg grating” Opt. Lett. 31 (15),pp.2263-2265, (Aug 2006).
- [47] 44.Xuewen Shu*, Kate Sugden, Ian Bennion “Optically tunable chromatic dispersion controller with coupled-cavity etalon structure” Opt. Lett. 30 (12),pp.1440-1442, (Jun 2005).
- [48] 14.Pengcheng Chen and Xuewen Shu*, "Refractive-index-modified-dot Fabry-Perot fiber probe fabricated by femtosecond laser for high-temperature sensing," Opt. Express 26, 5292-5299 (2018).
- [49] 56.Xuewen Shu, B.A.L.Gwandu, Yu Liu, Lin Zhang and Ian Bennion, "Sampled Fibre Bragg Grating for Simultaneous Refractive Index and Temperature Measurement", Opt. Lett. 26 (11), pp. 774-776 (Jun 2001) .
- [50] 59.Xuewen Shu,Xuemei Zhu, Qinglin Wang, Shan Jiang, Wei Shi, Zhijian Huang and Dexiu Huang, “Dual Resonant Peaks of LP015 Cladding Mode in Long-Period Gratings,” Electron. Lett., 35(8), pp. 649-651. (Apr 1999).