Yongping Sun, Ying Yang, Nan Huang, Xin Zou*,The impacts of climate change risks on financial performance of mining industry: Evidence from listed companies in China, Resources Policy, 69 (2020) 101828. doi:10.1016/j.resourpol.2020.101828. (SSCI Q1)
Release time:2023-03-06
- Pre One:Jingbo Cui, Xi Liu, Yongping Sun(通讯), Haishan Yu, Can CDM projects trigger host countries' innovation in renewable energy? Evidence of firm-level dataset from China, Energy Policy, Volume 139, April 2020, 111349(SSCI Q1).
- Next One:Pei Yu, Zhengfang Cai, Yongping Sun*,Does the emissions trading system in developing countries accelerate carbon leakage through OFDI? Evidence from China,Energy Economics,2021,105397(SSCI Q1).