Chusheng Ye, Qin Ye, Xunpeng Shi, Yongping Sun(通讯), Technology gap, global value chain and carbon intensity: Evidence from global manufacturing industries, Energy Policy, Volume 137, February 2020, 111094 ( SSCI Q1,ESI高被引论文).
Release time:2023-03-06
- Pre One:Sun Yongping, China’s Target Responsibility System and Convergence of CO2 Emissions, Singapore Economic Review, 2018, Vol. 63, No. 02, pp. 431-445. (SSCI)
- Next One:Ping Zhang, XunPeng Shi, YongPing Sun(通讯), Jingbo Cui, Shuai Shao, Have China’s Provinces Achieved Their Targets of Energy Intensity Reduction? Reassessment Based on Nighttime Lighting Data, Energy Policy, 128 (2019):276–283.( SCI& SSCI JCR Q1,ESI高被引论文)