Yuning Gao, Bo Meng, Gabriele Suderd, Jiabai Ye, Yongping Sun, Making global value chains visible: Multinationals versus domestically-owned firms, Transnational Corporations (It is an official journal of the United Nations, managed by UNCTAD), April issue ,volume 30, No. 1.
Release time:2024-07-18
- Pre One:Pei Yu, Zhengfang Cai, Feng Jiang, Yongping Sun, Evaluation and analysis of leading position in hydrogen fuel cell vehicle innovation network and the influential factors: a case of patent citations in China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, March 2023,DOI: 10.1007/s11356-023-25969-8.
- Next One:Pei Yu, Ruixue Hao, Yongping Sun*, How do the designs of emission trading system affect the value of covered firms—A quasi-natural experiment based on China, Energy Economics, Volume 126, 2023, 106944.