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邰若晨,教授,国家级青年人才。2016年获得南京理工大学学士学位,2019年获得上海交通大学硕士学位,2023年获得新加坡南洋理工大学博士学位,2023年至2024年期间在新加坡南洋理工大学从事博士后研究工作。长期从事信息物理系统安全与智能机器人技术相关领域的研究,近年来在IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control、Automatica、IEEE/ ASME Transactions on Mechatronics、IEEE Control Systems Letters、中国科学·技术科学、IEEE Conference on Decision and Control等重要期刊和会议上发表20余篇学术论文,其中在控制领域顶刊IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control和Automatica发表第一作者论文6篇(常文3篇);获授权国家发明专利2项;获IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO)最佳论文奖提名;获新加坡南洋理工大学2024年最佳博士论文奖;担任18th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV 2024)的Track Co-Chair(PC member)。







[1] R. Tai, L. Lin, Y. Zhu, and R. Su, "Synthesis of Distributed Covert Sensor-Actuator Attacks," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 69(8), pp. 4942-4957, 2024.

[2] R. Tai, L. Lin, and R. Su, "On decidability of existence of fortified supervisors against covert actuator attackers," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 69(3), pp. 1898-1905, 2024.

[3] R. Tai, L. Lin, Y. Zhu, and R. Su, "Synthesis of the Supremal Covert Attacker Against Unknown Supervisors by Using Observations," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(6), pp. 3453-3468, 2023.

[4] R. Tai, L. Lin, and R. Su, "Synthesis of optimal covert sensor–actuator attackers for discrete-event systems," Automatica, 151, pp. 110910, 2023.

[5] R. Tai, L. Lin, Y. Zhu, and R. Su, "Privacy-preserving co-synthesis against sensor–actuator eavesdropping intruder," Automatica, 150, pp. 110860, 2023.

[6] R. Tai, L. Lin, Y. Zhu, and R. Su, "A new modeling framework for networked discrete-event systems," Automatica, 138, pp. 110139, 2022.

[7] R. Tai, L. Lin, and R. Su, "Identification of System Vulnerability under A Smart Sensor Attack via Attack Model Reduction," IEEE Control Systems Letters, 6, pp. 2948-2953, 2022.

[8] Y. Shen, C. Zhou, X. Hu, C. Cheng, X. He, R. Tai, "Design of Privacy-Preserving Control Strategy for Data Opacity of Industrial Internet," SCIENTIA SINICA Technologica (中国科学·技术科学), 52(1), pp. 138-151, 2022.

[9] R. Tai, J. Wang, and W. Chen, "A Prioritized Planning Algorithm of Trajectory Coordination Based on Time Windows for Multiple AGVs with Delay Disturbance," Robotic Intelligence and Automation, 39(5), pp. 753-768, 2019.

[10] Y. Shen, R. Tai, J. Zhang, L. Deng, Y. Yuan, R. Su, F. Zhang, and H. Ding, "Planning and Motion Control for Underwater Bimanual Soft Manipulator in Underwater Grasping Task," IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 29(4), pp. 2487-2498, 2024.

  • 教育经历Education Background
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  • 研究方向Research Focus
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