·Paper Publications
(83) Li, B. Y.; Yang, X. J.; Xia, L. L.; Majeed, M. I.; Tan, B. Hollow Microporous Organic Capsules.Scientific Reports 2013, 3.
Release time:2020-04-18  Hits:
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Sheng Chen, Shuiqing Li*, Jeffrey. S. Marshall. Exponential scaling in early-stage agglomeration of adhesive particles in turbulence. Physical Review Fluids, 2019, 4(2): 024304.
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Wenwei Liu, Sheng Chen, Chuan-Yu Wu, and Shuiqing Li*. Unified size-density and size-topology relations in random packings of dry adhesive polydisperse spheres. Physical Review E, 2019, 99, 022901.