·Paper Publications
(115) 王千; 谭必恩 重质碳酸钙改性研究进展.化工进展 2015, 34, 137.
Release time:2020-04-18  Hits:
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(116) Alabadi, A.; Abbood, H. A.; Li, Q. Y.; Jing, N.; Tan, B. Imine-Linked Polymer Based Nitrogen-Doped Porous Activated Carbon for Efficient and Selective CO2 Capture.Scientific Reports 2016, 6.
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(114) Zhang, S. H.; Li, W. J.; Tan, B. E.; Chou, S. L.; Li, Z.; Dou, S. X. One-pot synthesis of ultra-small magnetite nanoparticles on the surface of reduced graphene oxide nanosheets as anodes for sodium-ion batteries.Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015, 3, 4793.