·Published Books
Tan, L. and B. *Tan (2015). Recent Development of Hypercrosslinked Microporous Organic Polymers. Porous Polymers: Design, Synthesis and Applications. Q. Shilun and B. Teng. United Kingdom, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC): 66-94.
Release time:2020-04-18  Hits:
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Pre One::
Tan, L., K. Wang, Q. Li, Y. Yang, Y. Liu and B. Tan* (2017). Organic Porous Polymer Materials: Design, Preparation, and Applications Polymer-Engineered Nanostructures for Advanced Energy Applications, Springer: 71-150.
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Majeed, I., A. Hanif, H. Nawaz and B. Tan (2016). Magnetic nanoparticles with multifunctional water-soluble polymers for bioapplications. Applied Molecular Biotechnology: The Next Generation of Genetic Engineering. Boca Raton CRC Press: 485-515.