Xuri Tang
·Paper Publications
- [11] 唐旭日, 陈小荷, 许超, 李斌. 基于篇章的中文地名识别研究. 中文信息学报, 2010年第2期。.
- [12] 唐旭日, 陈小荷. 中文地名结构分析, 第四届计算语言学学生会议论文集,2007..
- [13] Xuri Tang. English Morphological Analysis with Machine-learned Rules. Proceedings of the 20th Pacific and Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, Nov. 2006, Tsinghua University Press.
- [14] Xuri Tang, Zi Peng, Dongmei Zhou. Adaptive Approach to Concordance Readability. Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Technology Application. Nov. 2007,IEEE Computer Society.
- [15] Xuri Tang, Xiaohe Chen,Minxuan Peng. Toponym Resolution in Discourse, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering,Nov. 2008.
- [16] 曲维光, 唐旭日, 俞劲松. 超大规模语料库精加工技术研究. 当代语言学,2009年第2期.
- [17] Xuri Tang, Xiaohe Chen, Weiguang Qu, and Shiwen Yu,Semi-Supervised WSD in Selectional Preferences with Semantic Redundancy,The 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics(Posters):1238-1246,2010..
- [18] Xuri Tang, Weiguang Qu, Xiaohe Chen and Shiwen Yu. Automatic Metaphor Recognition Based on Semantic Relation Patterns,Accepted by International Conference on Asian Language Processing, 2010..
- [19] Xuri Tang, Weiguang Qu, Xiaohe Chen and Shiwen Yu. Beyond Selectional Preference: Metaphor Recognition Based on Semantic Relation Patterns. International Journal on Asian Language Processing 20 (4):141-156, 2010..
- [20] Yuxia Sun; Weiguang Qu; Junsheng Zhou; Xuri Tang; Ying Di; WeiCheng Wu. An Improved Feature Selection Method in Chinese Text Categorization. International Journal of Knowledge and Language Processing, 2(3), p 48-55, July 2011.