·Paper Publications
- [11] 10. D. Ma, M. J. Er, B. Wang and H. B. Lim, “A Novel Approach Towards Source-to-Sink Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Communications Letters, vol.14, no.5. pp.384-386., May, 2010.05.[IF17/5Y = 1.988/2.081].
- [12] 11. B. Wang, H. B. Lim, D. Ma and C. Fu, “The Hop Count Shift Problem and Its Impacts on Protocol Design in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”, Telecommunication Systems (Springer), vol.44, no.1-2, pp.49-60, 2010.06.[IF17/5Y = 1.542/1.502].
- [13] 12. D. Ma, M. J. Er and B. Wang, “Analysis of Hop-Count-based Source-to-Destination Distance Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks with Applications in Localization”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.59, no.6, pp.2998-3011, 2010.06.[IF17/5Y = 4.066/4.057].
- [14] 13. B. Wang, “Coverage Problems in Sensor Networks: A Survey”, ACM Computing Surveys, vol.43, no.4, pp.1-56, 2011.10.[IF17/5Y = 6.748/8.961] ESI Highly Cited Papers HCP .
- [15] 14. B. Wang, H. B. Lim and D. Ma, “Broadcast based on Layered Diffusion in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks”, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (Wiley), vol.12, no.5, pp.99-105, 2012.01.[IF17/5Y = 1.899/2.33].
- [16] 15. B. Wang, H.B. Lim and Di Ma, “A Coverage-Aware Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks”, Computer Networks (Elsevier), vol.56, no.5, pp.1599-1611, 2012.03.[IF17/5Y = 2.516/2.594].
- [17] 16. D. Ma, M. J. Er, B. Wang and H. B. Lim, “Range-free Wireless Sensor Networks Localization based on Hop-count Quantization”, Telecommunication Systems (Springer), vol.50, no.3, pp.199-213, 2012.07.[IF17/5Y = 1.542/1.502].
- [18] 17. H. Liang, B. Wang, W. Liu, and H. Xu, “A Novel Transmitter Placement Scheme based on Hierarchical Simplex Search for Indoor Wireless Coverage Optimization", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol.60, no.8, pp. 3921-3932, 2012.08.[IF17/5Y = 2.957/3.078].
- [19] 18. G. Wu, S. Wang, B. Wang and Y. Dong, " A Multi-hop Distance Estimation Method based on Regulated Neighborhood Measure", IET Communications, vol.6, no.13, pp.2084-2090, 2012.09.[IF17/5Y = 1.061/1.023].
- [20] 19. G. Wu, S. Wang, B. Wang, Y. Dong and S. Yan, " A Novel Range-Free Localization Based on Regulated Neighborhood Distance for Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks ", Computer Networks (Elseiver), vol.56, no.16, pp.3581-3593, 2012.11.[IF17/5Y = 2.516/2.594].