Wang Dansheng
·Paper Publications
Wei, Xiang Dansheng Wang*, Hongping Zhu, Damage identification in a plate structure based on strain statistical moment, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2014, 17(11): 1639-1655.
Release time:2021-06-27  Hits:
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Zhi-Hong Guan, Bin Hu, Ming Chi, Ding-Xin He, Xin-Ming Cheng. Guaranteed performance consensus in second-order multi-agent systems with hybrid impulsive control. Automatica, 2014, 50(9): 2415-2418.
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Zhi-Hong Guan, Yonghong Wu, Gang Feng. Consensus analysis based on impulsive systems in multiagent networks. IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems I, 2012, 59(1):170-178.