·Paper Publications
[12] Dong, S., Wang, Z., Yang, C., Ou, B., Lu, H., Xu, H., Cheng, X. Investigations on the effects of fuel stratification on auto-ignition and combustion process of an ethanol/diesel dual-fuel engine. (2018) Applied Energy, 230, pp. 19-30.
Release time:2019-04-24  Hits:
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[11] Dong, S., Wang, Z., Yang, C., Ou, B., Qiu, L., Pan, F., Cheng, X. Investigations on the effects of premixed ethanol/air atmosphere on combustion characteristics of n-heptane spray in a combustion vessel. (2018) Fuel, 233, pp. 247-256.
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[13] Zhang, Y., Huang, R., Wang, Z., Xu, S., Huang, S., Ma, Y. Experimental study on puffing characteristics of biodiesel-butanol droplet. (2017) Fuel, 191, pp. 454-462.