·Paper Publications
[30] Zhang, P., OuYang, G., Bai, L., Wang, Z., Deng, P. Study on solid-fluid coupled heat transfer simulation of cylinder head of high power density diesel engine. (2010) 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation, ICICTA 2010, 3, pp. 542-544.
Release time:2019-04-24  Hits:
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Weihao Zhang, Dong Yan, Jianbin Duan, Jian Pu*, Bo Chi, Jian Li, Development of Al2O3/glass-based multi-layer composite seals for planar intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38 (2013) 15371-15378
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[31] 王兆文,伍尚,黄胜,李磊,成晓北.环境湿度对柴油机NO_x及Soot排放特性的影响[J].内燃机学报,2018,36(04):322-331.