DX Wen, YC Lin*, Y Zhou. A new dynamic recrystallization kinetics model for a Nb containing Ni-Fe-Cr-base superalloy considering influences of initial δ phase. Vacuum, 141, (2017) 316-327.
发布时间:2022-04-22 点击次数:
上一条:YC Lin*, WY Dong, M Zhou, DX Wen, DD Chen. A unified constitutive model based on dislocation density for an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy at time-variant hot deformation conditions. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 718, (2018) 165-172.
下一条:DD Chen, YC Lin*, Y Zhou, MS Chen, DX Wen. Dislocation substructures evolution and an adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system model for constitutive behavior of a Ni-based superalloy during hot deformation. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 708, (2017) 938-946.