·Paper Publications
Jie Chen, Zhihu Tan*, Fei Wu, Changsheng Xie, SJournal: A New Design of Journaling for File Systems to Provide Crash Consistency, 9th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storage (NAS 2014), Tianjin, China, 2014.8.6-8.8
Release time:2018-10-23  Hits:
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You Zhou, Fei Wu*, Ping Huang, Xubin He, Changsheng Xie, Jian Zhou, An efficient page-level FTL to optimize address translation in flash memory, 10th European Conference on Computer System (Eurosys 2015), Bordeaux, France, 2015.4.21-4.24 (CCF B, TOP80)
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Hui Sun, Xiao Qin, Fei Wu, Changsheng Xie*, Measuring and Analyzing Write Amplification Characteristics of Solid State Disks, IEEE 21st International Symposium on Modelling, Analysis & Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2013.8.14-8.16(CCF C)