- Sulfite triggers sustained calcium overload in cultured cortical neurons via a redox-dependent mechanism
- 点击次数:
- 合写作者:Wang X, Cao H, Guan XL, Long LH, Hu ZL, Ni L, Wang F, Chen JG, Wu PF(吴鹏飞,通讯作者)
- 收录刊物:SCI
- 学科门类:医学
- 一级学科:基础医学
- 期号:2016, 258
- 页面范围:237-48
上一条: Resveratrol preconditioning increases methionine sulfoxide reductases A expression and enhances resistance of human neuroblastoma cells to neurotoxins
下一条: Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Surface Insertion of Hippocampal AMPA Receptor GluR1 Subunit via Phosphorylating at Serine-831/Serine-845 Sites Through a Sulfhydration-Dependent Mechanism