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Entangled sciences: the art of microfluidic mixing and separation
Release time:2018-03-28  Hits:

Indexed by: Journal paper

Document Code: 12

First Author: Zhigang Wu

Correspondence Author: Zhigang Wu

Journal: Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering

Included Journals: SCI

Affiliation of Author(s): 华中科技大学

Discipline: Engineering

First-Level Discipline: Mechanical Engineering

Document Type: J

Volume: 25

Page Number: 120301

Date of Publication: 2015-10-26

Abstract: At the conjunction of interdisciplinary fields, we often struggle to express ourselves when we encounter society. As scientists, usually we can find the exact words to explain what we are doing and what field we are working in. However, working in mixing and separation opens up questions such as 'Will you not become confused or entangled with two such contrasting topics?' presented with a smile. Yes, we have to handle these two seemingly opposing issues since we are always trying to find what is beneath the surface. And the longer we spend in this field, the more beautiful connections we find.

Links to published journals: http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0960-1317/25/12/120301