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2019 湖北省科技进步二等奖“新型显示面板缺陷检测与修复关键技术研究与产业化应用”,排名第四
2019 华中科技大学课堂教学优质奖
2017 华中科技大学教学成果二等奖“宽口径多元化中法合作人才培养体系构建与实践”,第二完成人
2016 华中科技大学教师教学竞赛一等奖
2013 华中科技大学教学质量二等奖
2010 华中科技大学教学质量二等奖
基于微流控技术的单颗粒体散射函数测量实验(粒径 20um)
(a) Monte Carlo仿真结果 (b) 水下激光雷达实测数据
水下距离选通成像系统 水下激光雷达探测样机
Li, W., Yang, K., Xia, M., Tan, D., Zhang, X., Liu, Q., & Lei, X. (2006). Computation of the scattering intensity distribution for natural light scattered by an air bubble in water. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics(1), 93.
Li, W., Yang, K., Xia, M., Tan, D., Zhang, X., & Rao, J. (2006). Computation for angular distribution of scattered light on a coated bubble in water. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics(10), 926.
李微, 杨克成, 夏珉, 郑毅, & 张威. (2008). 光在水中吸附膜层气泡上的散射特性. 光学学报, 28(4), 5.
He, H. L., Yang, K. C., Li, W., Xia, M., Li, Q., & Zhang, X. H. (2012). Geometrical optics approximation of light scattered by large spheroidal bubble. In P. Galarneau, X. Liu, & P. Li (Eds.), Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (Vol. 8332). Bellingham: Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering.
丁驰竹, 杨克成, 李微, & 夏珉. (2013). 有核细胞对偏振光的散射强度分布. 光学学报(11), 277-281.
He, H. L., Xia, M., Li, W., Zhang, X. H., & Yang, K. C. (2013). Light scattering by a spheroid bubble with ray tracing method. Optik, 124(10), 871-875.
He, H. L., Xia, M., Li, W., Zhang, X. H., & Yang, K. C. (2013). Light scattering by a spheroid bubble with ray tracing method. Optik, 124(10), 871-875.
Dai, J., Li, W., Gong, B., Wang, H., Xia, M., & Yang, K. (2015). Measurement of the light scattering of single micrometer-sized particles captured with a microfluidic trap. OPTICS EXPRESS, 23(23), 30204-30215.
王宽, 夏珉, 于龙, 李微, 郭文平, & 杨克成. (2019). 基于微流控技术的双颗粒体散射函数测量实验研究. 光散射学报, 31(01), 45-53.
夏珉, 杨克成, 许德胜, & 刘启忠. (2005). 激光在水下传输过程中退偏的蒙特卡罗模拟. 激光技术, 29(1), 4.
Xia, M., Yang, K., Zhang, X., Rao, J., Zheng, Y., & Tan, D. (2006). Monte Carlo simulation of backscattering signal from bubbles under water. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics(3), 350.
夏珉, 杨克成, 郑毅, & 饶炯辉. (2008). 用蒙特卡罗法研究波动水表面对机载海洋激光雷达水下光束质量的影响. 中国激光, 35(1), 5.
夏珉, 杨克成, 郑毅, & 饶炯辉. (2008). 水体光学参数对水中气泡场激光雷达探测影响的研究. 激光杂志, 29(1), 3.
郑毅, 杨克成, 夏珉, & 饶炯辉. (2008). 气泡浓度对海洋激光雷达后向散射特性的影响. 应用光学, 29(5), 4.
Li, W., Yang, K., Xia, M., Rao, J., & Zhang, W. (2009). Influence of characteristics of micro-bubble clouds on backscatter lidar signal. Opt. Express, 17(20), 17772-17783.
Sun, L., Wang, J., Yang, K., Xia, M., & Han, J. (2014). The research of optical turbulence model in underwater imaging system. Sensors and Transducers, 163(1), 107-112.
Han, J. F., Yang, K. C., Xia, M., Sun, L. Y., Cheng, Z., Liu, H., & Ye, J. W. (2015). Resolution enhancement in active underwater polarization imaging with modulation transfer function analysis. Applied Optics, 54(11), 3294-3302.
Luo, T., Wang, Y., Wang, R., Du, P., & Min, X. (2015). Modulated pulse bathymetric lidar Monte Carlo simulation. Paper presented at the Proc. SPIE 9674, AOPC 2015: Optical and Optoelectronic Sensing and Imaging Technology.
韩捷飞, 夏珉, 孙立颖, & 杨克成. (2016). 水下目标不同偏振特性对成像系统分辨率的影响. 光学学报(3), 75-83.
孙立颖, 夏珉, 韩捷飞, & 杨克成. (2016). 湍流环境中水下成像系统的调制传递函数研究. 光学学报, 36(8).
肖小, 杨克成, 夏珉, & 李微. (2016). 空泡层环境下水中微小气泡的成像探测研究. 激光与红外, 46(11), 5.
Fan, F., YANG, K., XIA, M., LI, W., FU, B., & ZHANG, W. (2010). Comparative Study on Several Blind Deconvolution Algorithms Applied to Underwater Image Restoration. Optical Review, 17(3), 7.
Fu, B., Yang, K., Rao, J., & Xia, M. (2010). Analysis of MCP gain selection for underwater range-gated imaging applications based on ICCD. J. Modem Optics.
Chen, Y. Z., Li, W., Xia, M., Li, Q., & Yang, K. C. (2011). Super-resolution reconstruction for underwater imaging. Optica Applicata, 41(4), 841-853.
Chen, Y. Z., Li, W., Xia, M., & Yang, K. C. (2011). Model-based restoration and reconstruction for underwater range-gated imaging. Optical Engineering, 50(11).
Chen, Y. Z., & Yang, K. C. (2011). PSF-based restoration with edge adaptive regularization for structured light measurement. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 49(9-10), 1210-1215.
Chen, Y. Z., Xia, M., Li, W., Zhang, X. H., & Yang, K. C. (2012). Comparison of point spread models for underwater image restoration. Optik, 123(9), 753-757.
Chen, Y. Z., Yang, B. F., Xia, M., Li, W., Yang, K. C., & Zhang, X. H. (2012). Model-based super-resolution reconstruction techniques for underwater imaging. In P. Galarneau, X. Liu, & P. Li (Eds.), Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (Vol. 8332). Bellingham: Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering.
Cheng, Z., Cheng, L., Li, W., Zhou, J. H., Yang, K. C., & Zhang, X. H. (2012). An on-line transformer windings temperature measurement system based on fiber Bragg grating. In P. Galarneau, X. Liu, & P. Li (Eds.), Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (Vol. 8332). Bellingham: Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering.
Han, J. F., Luo, T., Sun, L. Y., Ding, C. Z., Xia, M., & Yang, K. C. (2013). Research of Application of High-repetition-rate Green Laser in Underwater Imaging System. In F. Amzajerdian, A. Aksnes, W. Chen, C. Gao, Y. Zheng, & C. Wang (Eds.), International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2013: Laser Sensing and Imaging and Applications (Vol. 8905). Bellingham: Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering.
项青, 杨克成, 于龙, 夏珉, 李微, & 郭文平. (2015). 反射式水下量子成像. 光学学报(7), 127-132.
Cheng, Z., Yang, K., Han, J., Zhou, Y., Sun, L., Li, W., & Xia, M. (2015). Improved time-of-flight range acquisition technique in underwater lidar experiments. Applied Optics, 54(18), 5715-5725.
Du, P., Yang, K., Xia, M., & Li, W. (2015). Experimental study of high-speed imaging detection system for small bubbles in water. Paper presented at the Proc. SPIE 9674, AOPC 2015: Optical and Optoelectronic Sensing and Imaging Technology.
Zeng, X., Xia, M., Cheng, Z., Li, L., Chen, J., Du, P., & Yang, K. (2015). A small-size pulsed lidar designed for obstacles detection in natural underwater environment. Paper presented at the Proc. SPIE 9674, AOPC 2015: Optical and Optoelectronic Sensing and Imaging Technology.
黄子恒, 李微, 杨克成, & 夏珉. (2016). 水下激光距离选通三维成像方法. 激光与红外, 46(11), 1315-1319.
徐涛, 杨克成, 夏珉, 李微, & 郭文平. (2017). 基于距离选通成像的水下线状目标检测算法. 激光与红外, 47(10), 4.
杨克成,夏珉,戴杰,宫宝玉.一种基于微流控芯片粒子捕获式的单粒子散射测量方法。[发明专利] ZL 2015104819929. 申请日 2015年8月7日。授权日 2017年12月12日
杨克成,夏珉,戴杰,宫宝玉.一种基于微流控芯片粒子捕获式的单粒子散射测量装置。[发明专利] ZL 2015 1 048 2028.8 申请日 2015年8月7日。授权日 2017年12月12日
杨克成, 丁驰竹,李微,夏珉;一种基于光散射的湿性颗粒形状参数在线测量系统[发明]。 ZL 2012 1 0250422.5. 申请日: 2012.07.19.授权:2015.4.15.
李微, 杨克成, 夏珉, 韩晨; 一种水中微小颗粒三维体散射函数的测量系统及方法[发明] ZL 2011 1 0363604.9 申请日: 2012.11.16.授权:2014.3.5.
杨克成,孙立颖,夏珉,李微. 一种用于海洋湍流参数的非接触测量的成像系统[发明]. ZL 2012 0250478.0 申请日:2012.07.19,授权2015.01.28.