·Paper Publications
A Docker Container Anomaly Monitoring System Based on Optimized Isolation Forest;Zhuping Zou, Yulai Xie*, Kai Huang, Gongming Xu, Dan Feng, Darrell Long; IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing;2022; pages:134-145;
Release time:2023-06-14  Hits:
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Paradise: Real-time, Generalized, and Distributed Provenance-Based Intrusion Detection;Yafeng Wu, Yulai Xie*, Xuelong Liao, Pan Zhou, Dan Feng, Lin Wu, Avani Wildani, Darrell Long,;IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing;2022; pages: 1-17;
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Real-time Prediction of Docker Container Resource Load Based on A Hybrid Model of ARIMA and Triple Exponential Smoothing;Yulai Xie*, Minpeng Jin, Zhuping Zou, Gongming Xu, Dan Feng, Wenmao Liu, Darrell Long; IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing;2022; pages: 1386-1401;