·Paper Publications
Indexed by: Journal paper
First Author: Jinyu Zou
Correspondence Author: Gang Xu
Co-author: Zhida Song,Qing Xie
Journal: National Science Review
Included Journals: SCI
Discipline: 物理学
Document Type: J
Volume: 8
Issue: 5
Page Number: nwaa169
ISSN No.: 2095-5138
Date of Publication: 2021-05-01
Impact Factor: 23.178
Abstract: We classify gapped topological superconducting (TSC) phases of one-dimensional quantum wires with local magnetic symmetries, in which the time-reversal symmetry T is broken, but its combinations with certain crystalline symmetries, such as MxT, C2zT, C4zT and C6zT, are preserved. Our results demonstrate that an equivalent BDI class TSC can be realized in the MxT or C2zT superconducting wire, which is characterized by a chiral Zc invariant. More interestingly, we also find two types of totally new TSC phases in the C4zT and C6zT superinducting wires, which are beyond the known AZ class, and are characterized by a helical Zh invariant and Zh⊕Zc invariants, respectively. In the Zh TSC phase, Z pairs of Majorana zero modes (MZMs) are protected at each end. In the C6zT case, the MZMs can be either chiral or helical, and even helical-chiral coexisting. The minimal models preserving C4zT or C6zT symmetry are presented to illustrate their novel TSC properties and MZMs.