33. Pan J., Huang S.W., Xu M.C., 2016. Numerical Analysis for Impact Force in High-energy Ship-Bridge Pier Collision, Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Busan, South Korea. OMAE2016-55119
Release time:2019-10-14 Hits:
Pre One:34. Xu M.C., Guedes Soares C., 2012, Numerical study of the effect of geometry and boundary conditions on the collapse behaviour of long stiffened panels. Maritime Technology and Engineering,C. Guedes Soares et.al(Eds). Taylor & Francis Group, UK, ISBN 978-0-415-62146-5, 415-422.
Next One:32. Pan J., Zhang M., Xu M.C.. Numerical modelling of the boundary conditions on ship structural components under accidental loading conditions. Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth (2014) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference,Busan, Korea, ISOPE2014: 679-684.