Ming Cai Xu
·Paper Publications
36. Xu M.C, Song ZJ, Chen SX, Influence of the lateral pressure on the collapse strength of continuous stiffened panels under in-plane compression,Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering , June 19-24, 2016, Busan, South Korea, OMAE2016-55064
Release time:2019-10-14  Hits:
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37. Xu M.C, Chen S.X., Song Z.J. Pan J., Structural damage and residual ultimate strength of ship collides with ice loads.6th International Conference on Marine Structures, 8 - 10 May 2017, Lisboa, Portugal.
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35. Xu M.C, Song ZJ, Study on numerical methodologies for assessing ultimate bending moment of ship hull girder,,Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering , June 19-24, 2016, Busan, South Korea,OMAE2016-54117