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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
毕业院校:香港理工大学(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
2024 2023-2024年环境学院“优秀共产党员”
2023 2021-2023年环境学院“优秀共产党员”
2018 2017-2018年度环境学院“师德师风”先进个人
2014 2012-2014年环境学院“优秀共产党员”
2012 2010-2012年校创先争优活动“优秀共产党员”
2011 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”
2008 教育部自然科学二等奖
- [71] Shengwei Wang and Xinhua Xu. (2006). Parameter Estimation of Internal Thermal Mass of Building Dynamic Models Using Genetic Algorithm. Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.47(13-14), pp:1927-1941. (SCI)..
- [72] Shengwei Wang and Xinhua Xu. (2004). Optimal and Robust Control of Outdoor Ventilation Airflow Rate for Improving Energy Efficiency and IAQ. Building and Environment, Vol.39, pp:763-773. (SCI)..
- [73] Shengwei Wang and Xinhua Xu. (2002). A Robust Control Strategy for Combining DCV Control with Economizer Control. Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.43, pp:2569-2588. (SCI)..
- [74] Zhenjun Ma, Shengwei Wang, Xinhua Xu. And Fu Xiao (2008). A Supervisory Control Strategy for Building Cooling Water Systems for Practical and Real Time Applications. Energy Conversion and Management. Vol.49, pp:2324–2336. (SCI).
- [75] Shengwei Wang, Xu Xinhua and Ma Zhenjun. (2006). Energy Performance Evaluation and Development of Control Strategies for the Air-conditioning System of A Building at Construction Stage. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), Vol.13(Sup), pp:172-178..
- [76] Fu Xiao, Shengwei Wang and Xinhua Xu. (2008). Automatic Commissioning of AHU Sensors for Enhancing Building Lifecycle Performance. Hong Kong IE (HKIE) Transactions. Vol.15(1), pp:24-29. (EI)..
- [77] Qiang Zhou, Shengwei Wang, Xinhua Xu and Fu Xiao. (2008). A Gray-Box Model of Next-day Building Thermal Load Prediction for Energy-Efficient Control, International Journal of Energy Research, Vol.32(15), pp:1418-1431..
- [78] 徐新华. 武汉某地铁站通风空调控制系统升级节能改造分析[J]. 暖通空调,2019, Vol.49(11):56-61..
- [79] 高佳佳,谢道鹏,谢得文,徐新华. 小型启停式冷水机组模型研究[J].建筑热能通风空调.2019,Vol.38(7):1-5..
- [80] 严天,黄志波,高佳佳,罗启军,徐新华.自力式套管封装相变墙体排热系统及相变简化模型研究[J].建筑科学,2019,Vol.35(04):22-27..