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研究员(自然科学) 博士生导师 硕士生导师
2019 华中卓越学者
2014 德国Hanse-Wissenschafts-Kolleg(HWK), Institute for Advanced Study高级研究所的Fellowship
2010 全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖
2010 吉林省优秀博士学位论文
2010 吉林大学优秀博士学位论文一等奖
2008 吉林大学第二十二届研究生“精英杯”学术成果大奖赛特等奖
2007 吉林大学2007年度”中国科学院奖学金”(全校仅2个名额)
2007 吉林大学优秀研究生奖学金
2007 吉林大学第二十一届研究生“精英杯”学术成果大奖赛二等奖
- [41] 26. Li-Ming Yang*, Ponniah Ravindran, and Mats Tilset*, Solid-State Structure and Calculated Electronic Structure, Formation Energy, Chemical Bonding, and Optical Properties of Zn4O(FMA)3 and its Heavier Congener Cd4O(FMA)3, Inorg. Chem. 2013, 52, 4217−4228. http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ic301928a.
- [42] 25. Xiaojun Li*,Kehe Su*,Xiaohui Yang, Limei Song, and Li-Ming Yang, Size-selective effects in the geometry and electronic property of bimetallic Au–Genanoclusters,Comput. Theor. Chem., 2013,1010, 32–37. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2210271X13000443.
- [43] 24. Xiao-Jun Li*, Hong-Jiang Ren, and Li-Ming Yang*, An Investigation of Electronic Structure and Aromaticity in Medium-Sized Nanoclusters of Gold-Doped Germanium, Journal of Nanomaterials, Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 518593, 8 pages. http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jnm/2012/518593/.
- [44] 23. Andreas Hermann, Ainhoa Suárez, Idoia G. Gurtubay, Li-Ming Yang, Aitor Bergara, Neil. W. Ashcroft, and Roald Hoffmann, LiB and its boron-deficient variants under pressure, Phys. Rev. B 2012, 86, 144110. http://prb.aps.org/abstract/PRB/v86/i14/e144110.
- [45] 22. Li-Ming Yang*, Ponniah Ravindran, Ponniah Vajeeston and Mats Tilset*, Formation of intermediate band materials: isoreticular metal-organic framework-993 and its analogues, J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 16324-16335. http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2012/JM/c2jm31360j.
- [46] 21. Li-Ming Yang*, Ponniah Ravindran, Ponniah Vajeeston and Mats Tilset*, Properties of IRMOF-14 and its analogues M-IRMOF-14 (M = Cd, alkaline earth metals): electronic structure, structural stability, chemical bonding, and optical properties, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2012, 14, 4713–4723. http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2012/CP/C2CP24091B.
- [47] http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2012/RA/C1RA00187F#!divAbstract.
- [48] 20. Li-Ming Yang*, Ponniah Ravindran, Ponniah Vajeeston and Mats Tilset*, Ab initio investigations on the crystal structure, formation enthalpy, electronic structure, chemical bonding, and optical properties of experimentally synthesized isoreticular metal-organic framework-10 and its analogues: M-IRMOF-10 (M = Zn, Cd, Be, Mg, Ca, Sr and Ba), RSC Adv., 2012, 2, 1618-1631..
- [49] 19. Li-Ming Yang*, Ponniah Vajeeston, Ponniah Ravindran, Helmer Fjellvåg, and Mats Tilset*, Revisiting isoreticular MOFs of alkaline earth metals: A comprehensive study on phase stability, electronic structure, chemical bonding, and optical properties of A-IRMOF-1 (A = Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba), Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 10191-10203. http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2011/cp/c0cp02944k.
- [50] Theoretical investigations on the chemical bonding, electronic structure, and optical properties of MOF-5, Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49 (22), 10283–10290. http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ic100694w. .