·Paper Publications
Z. Yan, X. Yang, and K. -T. Cheng. “Joint Segment-Level and Pixel-Wise Losses for Deep Learning based Retinal Vessel Segmentation.” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 65 (9), 1912-1923, 2018. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
Release time:2021-12-14  Hits:
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Z. Yan, X. Yang, and K. -T. Cheng. “A Skeletal Similarity Metric for Quality Evaluation of Vessel Segmentation.” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 37 (4), 1045-1057, 2018.
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Z. Yan, X. Yang, and K. -T. Cheng. “A Three-Stage Deep Learning Model for Accurate Retinal Vessel Segmentation.” IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 23 (4), 1427-1436, 2019. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)