·Paper Publications
Hongyun Hu, Guangqian Luo, Huan Liu, Yu Qiao, Minghou Xu, Hong Yao*. Fate of chromium during thermal treatment of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2013, 34, 2795-2801. (SCI&EI)
Release time:2019-09-18  Hits:
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刘鹏, 刘欢, 姚洪, 李野, 杨昌柱, 杨家宽. 芬顿试剂及骨架构建体对污泥脱水性能的影响. 环境科学与技术, 2013, 36(10): 146~151
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HongYun Hu, Huan Liu, WenQing Shen, GuangQian Luo, AiJun Li, ZhaoLing Lu, Hong Yao*. Comparison of CaO's effect on the fate of heavy metals during thermal treatment of two typical types of MSWI fly ashes in China, Chemosphere, 2013, 93(4), 590-596. (SCI&EI)