·Paper Publications
Ping Sun, Bi Zhang, Xiaobo Zeng, Guangqian Luo, Xian Li, Hong Yao, Chuguang Zheng. Deep study on effects of activated carbon’s oxygen functional groups for elemental mercury adsorption using temperature programmed desorption method. Fuel 2017, 200, 100-106
Release time:2019-09-18  Hits:
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Xian Li, Xianqing Zhu, Kenshiro Okuda, Zong Zhang, Ryuichi Ashida, Hong Yao, Kouichi Miura. Preparation of carbon fibers from low-molecular-weight compounds obtained from low-rank coal and biomass by solvent extraction. New Carbon Materials、1007-8827, 2017, 32(1): 41-47
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汪家兴, 刘欢*, 刘鹏, 张强, 卢更, 胡红云,姚洪. 深度脱水污泥的热干化特性. 化工学报, 2017, 68(6): 2492-2500.