- The Effects of State and Federal Mental Health Parity Laws on Working Time in the US, Economic Analysis and Policy (with Bin Peng), 2024, 82: 685-700
- 《空气污染对中老年人健康的长期影响研究》(合作者黄子骄),《华中科技大学学报社会科学版》,2022,36(5),121-135
- Is the Demographic Dividend Diminishing in China?-Evidence from Population Aging and Economic Growth during 1990–2015, Review of Development Economics (with Ziyan Chen and Bin Peng), 2021, 25(4), 2255-2274
- The Effect of Public Health Insurance Expansions on the Mental and Behavioral Health of Girls and Boys (with Sarah Hamersma), Social Science & Medicine, 2021, 280, 113998
- Testing for Sphericity in a Fixed Effects Panel Data Model with Time-Varing Variances (with Bin Peng and Xinyuan Shen), Economics Letters, 2019, Vol.181, 85-89
- 主持“中国人口老龄化对经济增长及劳动力市场的影响研究”,教育部哲学社会科学研究后期资助一般项目(项目批准号24JHQ072),2024.7-2026.7,
- 主持“数字经济赋能湖北经济高质量发展:评价与实现路径研究”,湖北省社会科学基金一般项目(项目批准号HBSK2022YB324),2022.7-2022.12,2022/12/30
- 主持“公平适度目标下城乡一体化的医疗保险支付意愿与最优保障水平研究”,国家社科基金青年项目(项目批准号:22CJY013),2022.7-2025.7,
- 参与“推动现代服务业同先进制造业深入融合研究”,国家社科基金项目重点项目子课题(项目批准号:21AZD018),2021.1-2022.12,
- 参与 "北部湾经济区现代中药(民族药)发展课题“,南宁市发展与改革委员会(项目批准号:【2017】NCCJA100), 2017.12-2018.11,