61. Guochuan Yin*, Active transition metal oxo and hydroxo moieties in nature’s redox enzymes and their synthetic models: Structure and reactivity relationships, Coord. Chem. Rev., 2010, 254, 1826-1842 (invited).
Release time:2019-11-19 Hits:
Pre One:60. Xuebin Sheng, Hong Ma, Chen Chen, Jin Gao, Guochuan Yin, Jie Xu, “Acid-assisted catalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohol by NOx with dioxygen”, Catal. Comm., 2010, 11, 1189-1192.
Next One:62. Ping Liang, Hui Xiong, Huajun Guo, Guochuan Yin*,Pd-catalyzed C–H bond activation of benzene in the CO2-expanded solvent,Catal. Comm., 2010, 11, 560-562.