·Published Books
7. Xi Kong(#), Yuan Yu(*), Haitao Tang, and Xinliang Zhang, “Microwave photonic image-reject mixer based on a tunable microwave photonic filter with high rejection,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 10(6), 5502411, 2018.
Release time:2021-05-27  Hits:
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8. Lu Xu(#), Yuan Yu(*), Haitao Tang, and Xinliang Zhang, "A Simplified Photonic Approach to Measuring the Microwave Doppler Frequency Shift", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 30(3), pp. 246-249, 2018.
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6. De Zhou(#), Yu Yu(*), Yuan Yu(*), and Xinliang Zhang, “Parallel radio-frequency signal-processing unit based on mode multiplexed photonic integrated circuit,” Optics Express, 26(16), pp. 20544-20549, 2018.