·Published Books
29. Yuan Yu(#), Jianji Dong, Xiang Li, Lina Zhou, and Xinliang Zhang. All Optical Microwave Photonic Filter with Bandpass and Notch Filtering Shapes. Proc. of SPIE-OSA-IEEE, Asia Communications and Photonics, 2010, vol. 7988, 79881Z.
Release time:2021-05-27  Hits:
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Pre One::
30. Yuan Yu(#), Jianji Dong and Xinliang Zhang, “Ultra-wideband Pulse Generation Based on Cascaded Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers,” Proc. of IEEE, International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks, TU9, 2011.
Next One::
28. Yuan Yu(#), Jianji Dong, Fan Jiang, and Xinliang Zhang*, “Photonic Generation of Precisely π Phase-Coded Microwave Signal With Broadband Tunability,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 25(24), pp. 2466-2469, Dec. 2013.