Dingchen L, Jiawei L, Chuan L, Zhang M, Pengyu W, Zhi L, Yang Y, et al. Multi-point discharge model: study on corona discharge of double-ended needle in large space. Plasma Science and Technology. 2023;25(3):035402.
Release time:2023-07-21 Hits:
Pre One:Wang Z, Li C, Xiao M, Wang P, Zhang M, Shi P, Yang Y, et al. Coalescence and counterflow of droplets on needle electrode with negative corona discharge. Plasma Sources Science and Technology. 2022;31(3):035007.
Next One:Y. Tu, Xia, H., Yang, Y., Lu, X., Time-resolved imaging of electrical discharge development in underwater bubbles, Physics of Plasmas 23, 2016, 013507.