Chengjian Zhang
·Paper Publications
Chengjian Zhang, Shoufu Li, Dissipativity and exponential asymptotic stability of the solutions for nonlinear neutral functional differential equations,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2001(1), 119: 109-115. (SCI收录)
Release time:2019-09-08  Hits:
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Chengjian Zhang, Xiaoxin Liao, Asymptotic behavior of multistep Runge-Kutta methods for systems of delay differential equations, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica ( English series),2001, 17(2): 240-246 .
Next One::
Chengjian Zhang, Shuzi Zhou, Xiaoxin Liao, D-convergence and GDN- stability of Runge-Kutta methods, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2001, 37(1-2): 161-170 . (SCI收录)