Chengjian Zhang
·Paper Publications
Dingwen Deng, Chengjian Zhang,A new fourth-order numerical algorithm for a class of nonlinear wave equations,Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2012,62(12):1864-1879. (SCI收录)
Release time:2019-09-08  Hits:
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Wenjie Shi, Chengjian Zhang, Error analysis of generalized polynomial chaos for nonlinear random ordinary differential equations Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2012, 62(12):1954-1964. (SCI收录)
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Chengjian Zhang, A class of new Pouzet-Runge-Kutta-type methods for nonlinear functional integro-differential equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis,Volume 2012, Article ID 642318, 21 pages,2012. (SCI收录)