Chengjian Zhang
·Paper Publications
Dingwen Deng, Chengjian Zhang, A new fourth-order numerical algorithm for a class of three-dimensional nonlinear evolution equations, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 2013, 29(1): 102-130. (SCI收录)
Release time:2019-09-08  Hits:
Pre One::
Dingwen Deng, Chengjian Zhang, Analysis of a fourth-order compact ADI method for a linear hyperbolic equation with three spatial variables, Numerical Algorithms, 2013,63(1): 1-26.(SCI收录)
Next One::
Dingwen Deng, Chengjian Zhang, A family of new fourth-order solvers for a nonlinear damped wave equation,Computer Physics Communications, 2013, 184(1): 86-101. (SCI收录)