Chengjian Zhang
·Paper Publications
Chengjian Zhang, Huiru Wang, Solving nonlinear second-order delay initial value problems via the adapted Generalized Störmer-Cowell methods, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2019, 96: 172-178. (SCI收录)
Release time:2019-09-08  Hits:
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Chengjian Zhang, Ying Xie, Backward Euler-Maruyama method applied to nonlinear hybrid stochastic differential equations with time-variable delay, Science China Mathematics, 2019, 62(3):597-616. (SCI收录)
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Yongtao Zhou, Chengjian Zhang, Convergence and stability of block boundary value methods applied to nonlinear fractional differential equations with Caputo derivatives, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2019, 135:367-380. (SCI收录)