·Paper Publications
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- [32] [26] Lu S, Zhang Y, Niu Y, et al. Exploring Medical Expenditure Clustering and the Determinants of High-Cost Populations from the Family Perspective: A Population-Based Retrospective Study from Rural China[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2018,15(12):2673.DOI:10.3390/ijerph15122673.
- [33] [25] Yan Y, Liu L, Zeng J, et al. Evaluation and Exploration on the Effect of the Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Rural Areas through an Internet-Based Network Consulting Room[J]. MEDICAL PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE,2018,27(3):222-226.DOI:10.1159/000488591.
- [34] [24] Zhang Y, Niu Y, Zhang L. Determinants of patient choice for hospital readmission after township hospitalisation: a population-based retrospective study in China[J]. BMJ OPEN,2018,8(e0215168):e21516.DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-021516.
- [35] [23] 唐文熙,张研,张亮. 整合服务改革中基于绩效的集团总额预付模式探索及效果[J]. 中国卫生经济,2017,36(2):61-64.DOI:10.7664/CHE20170217.
- [36] [22] 杨坚,张研,苗豫东,等. 英国健康服务整合进展及对中国的启示[J]. 中国医院管理,2017,37(4):78-80.
- [37] [21] 张研,张亮. 医疗保障体系与服务供给体系的摩擦与整合[J]. 中国卫生经济,2017,36(1):21-23.DOI:10.7664/CHE20170105.
- [38] [20] 吴悦,杨坚,唐文熙,等. 医护人员工作投入与任务绩效的影响因素及相互关系研究[J]. 中国卫生事业管理,2017,34(3):184-188.
- [39] [19] 刘爽,张亮,冯达,等. 乡村医生的生存质量及影响因素研究——以湖北省麻城市为例[J]. 中国卫生事业管理,2017,34(2):134-136, 151.
- [40] [18] 何小群,杨坚,苗豫东,等. 县乡村三级卫生人力资源的构成与分布特征研究[J]. 中国医院管理,2017,37(3):52-54.