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1) 人造规范场 (自旋轨道耦合,动力学规范场)

2) 拓扑量子物态(拓扑模型的模拟、动力学表征)

3) 非平衡动力学(弗洛凯体系,安德森局域)

已发表论文近 30篇,SCI 总引用 > 1800 次。

全部论文: Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=zh-CN&user=VcPo2D8AAAAJ
ResearcherID  https://publons.com/researcher/3205430/long-zhang/  

(1) Long Zhang and Xiong-Jun Liu, Unconventional Floquet Topological Phases from Quantum Engineering of Band-Inversion Surfaces. PRX Quantum 3, 040312 (2022).

(2) Long Zhang, Lin Zhang, Ying Hu, Sen Niu, and Xiong-Jun Liu, Nonequilibrium characterization of equilibrium correlated quantum phases. Phys. Rev. B 103, 224308 (2021).

(3) Long Zhang, Lin Zhang, and Xiong-Jun Liu, Unified Theory to Characterize Floquet Topological Phases by Quench Dynamics. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 183001 (2020).

(4) Yucheng Wang*, Long Zhang*, Sen Niu, Dapeng Yu, and Xiong-Jun Liu, Realization and Detection of Nonergodic Critical Phases in an Optical Raman Lattice. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 073204 (2020). 

(5) Long Zhang, Lin Zhang, and Xiong-Jun Liu, Characterizing topological phases by quantum quenches: A general theory. Phys. Rev. A 100, 063624 (2019)

(6) Chang-Rui Yi*, Long Zhang*, Lin Zhang, Rui-Heng Jiao, Xiang-Can Cheng, Zong-Yao Wang, Xiao-Tian Xu, Wei Sun, Xiong-Jun Liu, Shuai Chen, and Jian-Wei Pan, Observing topological charges and dynamical bulk-surface correspondence with ultracold atoms. Phys. Rev. Lett.123, 190603 (2019). 

(7) Long Zhang, Lin Zhang, and Xiong-Jun Liu, Dynamical detection of topological charges.Phys. Rev. A 99, 053606 (2019).

(8) Lin Zhang*, Long Zhang*, Sen Niu, and Xiong-Jun Liu, Dynamical classification of topological quantum phases. Sci. Bull. 63, 1385 (2018)

(9) Bo Song*, Long Zhang*, Chengdong He*, Ting Fung Jeffrey Poon, Elnur Hajiyev, Shanchao Zhang, Xiong-Jun Liu, and Gyu-Boong Jo, Observation of symmetry-protected topological band with ultracold fermions. Sci. Adv. 4, eaao4748 (2018).

(10) Zhan Wu, Long Zhang, Wei Sun, Xiao-Tian Xu, Bao-Zong Wang, Si-Cong Ji, Youjin Deng, Shuai Chen, Xiong-Jun Liu, and Jian-Wei Pan, Realization of two-dimensional spin-orbit coupling for Bose-Einstein condensates. Science 354, 83 (2016).

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